The care sheets that we have linked are:
There have got to be at least a few to several of you, LIHS members, who keep herps other than those in that list. I am going to ask that if you have been keeping them successfully over the long term, and maybe even breeding them, that you write up an original care sheet and submit it to one of the LIHS board members for inclusion (a link to it) on the LIHS webpage and blog. I figure it would be really nice to have care sheets on some popular and even not so popular herps that are currently in the trade. Some suggestions are care sheets about:
Ribbed Newts
African Clawed Frogs
Dart & Mantella Frogs
Fire Belly Toads
Pacman Frogs
Red Eared Sliders
Other Sliders and Cooters
Ornate Box Turtles
Central American Wood TurtlesRussian Tortoises
Red Foot Tortoises
Star Tortoises
Crested Geckos
Tri-color Milk Snakes
House Snakes
Green Tree Pythons
The list could go on and on and we sure can make good use of the care sheets. One of the main goals of the LIHS is to educate folks about how to care for herps properly and posting care sheets on the website and blog would be a great way to achieve that. Hope to receive at least a few of them from you, the membership.
All the best,
Glenn B