Saturday, June 29, 2013

Are Two Heads Really Better Than One - You Decide

Two headed herps are nothing new, they seem to happen, if not with regularity, then with a fair amount of frequency. I have heard of a few two headed lizards and scores of two headed snakes and turtles (but never any amphibians yet I do not doubt there are some out there).

Things can't be easy with two heads trying to make decisions
on which way to go. Source:
Deb H. sent me this neat gif file of a two headed turtle swimming. I am none to sure it is doing all that great a job of it but will give the turtle the benefit of the doubt and say it is doing at least as well as can be expected. I say that not only because it has two heads and thus two brains probably trying to control its limbs but because it is obviously very young as can be evidenced by both heads still having an egg tooth. In addition it is in a tank and obviously unfamiliar with the unnatural obstacle of the tanks transparent glass sides.

Thelma and Louise, a two headed Texas Cooter that
recently hatched out at the San Antonio Zoo.
After Deb sent me that file, I searched around a bit and came up with the article at this link about a recently hatched two headed Texas Cooter at the San Antonio Zoo. I am not certain but I think the turtle in the gif file and the one in the pic from the San Antonio Zoo may be one and the same.

All the best,
Glenn B

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