Monday, August 5, 2013

If You Keep Dangerous Herps - Be a Responsible Herp Keeper...

and help avoid tragedy. If you keep large constrictors or other dangerous herps such as venomous species you need to assure they cannot escape. A perfect example of what I mean by a tragedy is the case of the two young children, one 5 and one 7 years old, who were just killed by a constricting snake in Canada. They were reportedly at a friends place for a sleepover. The friend lived above a reptile store. It is believed that a large constrictor escaped from the store, found its way up to where the two young children were sleeping and then constricted them, killing both of them. See:

I am not saying that the pet store owners were irresponsible but it certainly is quite possibly, and quite likely, the reason the snake was able to escape. Of course, there could be other reasons, such as a break in and attempted theft that allowed one of the snakes out but right now no one has indicated anything like that. If you own dangerous or potentially dangerous animals, you need to make sure they are well confined.

All the best,
Glenn B

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